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My Work

I've highlighted content assets for a recent Volatia Language Network, Inc. campaign. For this campaign, I collaborated with the CEO of Volatia Language Network, Inc. to establish a digital strategy, content strategy with S.M.A.R.T. objectives focused on creating awareness and interest around lower buy rates and higher client billing rates for Volatia's Affiliates. 


Target Audience: Language service providers in search of interpreter management systems. 


The Digital Strategy: Multichannel marketing (Paid Search, Display Advertising, Social Media, Email, Video, and Organic Search) focused on re-imagining the services that Volatia offers affiliate LSPs as a small business incubator-style, custom toolkit, designed to give LSPs the leverage to grow their business and experience improved scalability.


The Content Strategy: White papers, brochures, short and long-form blog article content, email and short promotional video content, repurposed across channels to promote the toolkit and each component of the toolkit separately, using the following sales hooks - free white-label mobile app for sustainable businesses, mobile app grants for micro-businesses, subscription price breaks, coupon discounts in customer buy rates with increased bill rates and complex workflow solutions.  


Content Marketing

Volatia White Paper

Objective: To educate Language Service Providers on how to grow their language companies and achieve unlimited scalability. Responsible for page design too.


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This is a video clip from a series of two video clips designed to promote Volatia's Affiliate Program to language service providers. 

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Organic Search

Volatia Blog Article

Objective: Rank for the following keywords that Competitor Boostlingo ranks for - "interpreter platform," "interpretation software," "global interpreter platform," "Boostlingo."


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Volatia Blog Article

Objective: Promote two tools from the Volatia Affiliate Toolkit, using the keywords - "interpreter management system."


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Paid Search (PPC)

During the iterative process, we changed the direction of the campaign to focus on repackaging the message. Volatia's CEO determined to offer a toolkit of services to LSP affiliates. I determined to market that toolkit and the affiliate ecosystem experience.

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Display Advertising

The first campaign geared toward LSP affiliates centered on display ads that promoted a cost-saving discount. The ad ran on LinkedIn to a targeted audience. 


Landing Pages

Updated and optimized our Langauge Services Provider (LSP) landing pages to promote additional Calls-To-Action.

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Social Media

Created a weekly social media post that runs on LinkedIn and Facebook to engage with followers and create community. 


Email Marketing

Created an email marketing campaign to interest our newsletter subscribers and site visitors in learning more about our LEP Call-in Line service. 

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